Studies conducted as early as 2005 found the average weekly work hours per person was about 45, but of those hours 17 were considered unproductive. Things have gotten worse over the years with the average work week now approximately 47 hours. People are not better at using their time effectively. We waste time, effort, and expense on excessive e-mails, pointless meeting, and constant interruptions. This means we hardly get anything done the way it ought to. How can we stop this wastage and maximize our personal efficiency in our workplace, family life, school, and other areas of life? One think we can do is look at the most productive and efficient people around and pick up on what they are doing right. Just because you’re at work doesn’t mean you’re getting work done. Here are seven things highly efficient people do every day you can emulate to your benefit.

1. Highly efficient people plan their day beforehand.

It’s quite simple, really. When you don’t plan, you plan to fail. That is because you don’t have a focus and can easily be swayed by other people’s demands of money, skills or even your presence. Highly productive people plan out their day beforehand with written ‘to-do’ lists, appointments, and planners to help them focus their activities. This means they are not easily swayed by other people’s demands. They know exactly what they have to do each day before they set off to work. Plan your day beforehand with an end goal in mind. It will improve your efficiency and empower you to say “no” to anything that might steal your focus from your core goals.

2. Highly efficient people allocate adequate time for priority tasks.

They differentiate between “important” and “unimportant” tasks and allocate enough time and effort for the priority tasks. They know it is easy to lose track of goals if the importance of tasks are confusing. This disciplined approach ensures they do important tasks first and stick to their to-do list, schedules and appointments. Set enough time to get your main work done, and then fit in some time in there for breaks and low-priority tasks like checking e-mail or social media accounts. Controlling your day in this way means you won’t be spending time on the wrong things in the wrong places while ignoring your priority tasks. You will work efficiently.

3. Highly efficient people eliminate distractions.

Distractions have gotten so bad today that Ed Hallowell, former professor at Harvard Medical School and author of Driven to Distraction, says we have “culturally generated ADD.” From scintillating apps on our handsets to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and loud music from the next door neighbor, we have all kinds of distractions present 24/7. Highly efficient people block all these distractions by any means necessary, including switching off their phones and disconnecting from the internet to get work done. They know every minute you’re sitting around checking Facebook, you’re not taking action to get you closer to your dreams. Eliminate distractions to protect your productive hours, focus your attention and get what need to be done, done right.

4. Highly efficient people delegate tasks.

Nobody can do every single thing and do it well. Highly efficient people know this and are not afraid to let go of control and delegate tasks. They don’t attempt to do it all or assume all responsibility. They carefully and meticulously give responsibility to talented, trusted people whom they have high expectations of. This demonstrates they have faith in the abilities of others and facilitates teamwork towards a common goal. Don’t try to do everything on your own or micromanage. Delegate or outsource tasks when you can’t realistically complete them successfully on your own. Rally others around a common goal and it will boost your efficacy and significantly increase your productivity.

5. Highly efficient people manage their mood and emotions.

No single day is exactly the same as another. Sometimes you will wake up happy and excited, other times you will wake up sad and uninspired. Highly efficient people know better than to let mood swings have the better of them. They understand losing it only makes things worse and reduces your productivity. When offended, they take a deep breath rather than break into angry outbursts. They guard their emotions jealously and address any conflict in a cool and collected manner. Stay positive and express empathy for other people to manage any bad or angry mood. Adopt a morning ritual like exercise or meditation as it tends to improve your mood and help you better manage anything that gets thrown at you during the day.

6. Highly efficient people stick to a proper work-life balance.

Stress from not taking a break hinders efficiency. Highly efficient people make time for rest, reflection, pleasure, and family every day. They have a strong sense of work-home boundary. This ensures they are sufficiently motivated, inspired, rested, and recharged, both body and mind. Don’t take your work too seriously. Working too much will slow everything down (reduce your efficiency), cause exhaustion, and bring frustration. Similarly, don’t work too little as it can result in distraction, boredom, or worse, laziness. Find the right balance between your work and personal life. Most importantly, never neglect your family and friends. You need these people to lead a wholesome, happy and productive life.

7. Highly efficient people sleep enough.

The importance of getting a good night’s sleep is critical. You need seven to nine hours of sleep per night for your body and brain to rest and function at its best. Highly efficient people make it their priority to get these hours of sleep every day. They know it helps them wake up the next day rejuvenated and energized for the day ahead. Get enough sleep every day. It will help you perform at your peak and give your efficacy a real boost. Featured photo credit: pitbull2013 via